Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Think We Don't Have Enough Time? We do!

I came to experience new things  ever since I graduated from college. One of the things knowing people! Part time jobs, freelancing are the things I'm currently doing, being in the process of improving my social skills and develop my character (?) - I mean more of getting to know myself and what I'm capable of doing. So all these experience are somewhat helping to find myself and settle with something I really want for my future (sort of) career.

Home tutoring is one of the skills I need to improve in as this is one of the things I want to make out the most. I see students having trouble in reciting Iqra' (Quranic recitation knowledge for beginners). That's okay for me though it's normal during the process of learning. However, after knowing that they have been 'stuck' in the same level for quite a while, I got to say to the teacher that they need practice at home. Class is not the place for practice. You learn in class, you practice at home.

"They never practice at home"

Oh well I guess they tend to forget or just keep it aside and have the thought that it is less important. Maybe. But then to be honest, parents really really play important role in encouraging their kids into learning Quranic recitation.

"You need to talk to their parents about this. Let them know it's important to practice at home"

"I did. But they tend to make excuses that the kids have no time for it. They're busy with tuition and stuff"

I kinda understand that these kids especially nowadays they are packed with so many activities that school has to offer. O-kay.

This reminds me of Sheikh Mohamad Aslam's talk that I attended in UIA. Sheikh was asked, how do we balance our time between deen, family and work? We can. Obviously we can only if we prioritise all those three in our lives. If we perceive them as important in our lives, regard as an obligation and know our responsibility in them, we wake up knowing we need to work on those three today, everything will come into place. Have the mindset and you definitely will do the things you need to do.

Yup, we always argue for not having enough time for everything. But, believe it or not, it's not about the time. It's about priority. List the things you really need to do and accomplish, set some goals and timeline. Keep in your mind that these things are important, "I need to do this" and "they are my priority".

If you failed to do the things you listed, it somehow shows the results of them not being your priority. Well, not enough to reach priority level. heh. Try it!

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