Sunday, November 15, 2020

My IIUM Literature Review Presentation


Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all our fellow classmates and miss Hana Imelda. inshaAllah we are going to present on our research paper, a study on the relationship between family income and religiosity among iium undergraduate students.

There have been numerous studies which suggests that income affects the degree of one’s religiosity, with an inclination that high incomes discourage religious participation by encouraging individuals to substitute market work for religious activities (General Issue)A survey done by Herzer and Strulik (2013) in the United States shows that there is a co-integration relationship between family income and religious adherence and “that a 1% increase in the log of income per capita is associated with a decline in church attendance by about 9%.” The causation of income influencing religious adherence plays a pivotal role in our daily life, since 84% of the global population subscribe to a particular faith or religious group[1]

So Family income here we refer to money income that includes dividends, earnings, interest, or anything shared by a family and lives in the same standard while religiosity is defined as a number of dimensions associated with religious beliefs and involvement

       Theory? A theory suggests that Income has an adverse impact on one's level of religiosity

      So the Lesser income actually leads to a higher degree of religiosity

      And Higher income, leads to a lesser degree of religiosity


with the supporting literature of The pioneer works of Azzi and Ehrenberg (1975) discovered the casual relationship that a high wage rate decreases church membership, insinuating the inclination of individuals to substitute their time for the pursuit of market activities instead of religious activities when the opportunity costs of the latter is higher. In that regard, Jody W. Lipford and Robert D. Tollison (2002) argued that an expansion of income deters religious participation by “inducing a substitution between market-earnings and religious activities”. This is attributed to the high opportunity costs of religious activities which reduces the time and effort available for monetary purposes. Additionally, they contend that religious objectives “can only be achieved with financial support”, implying that the latter is a precursor for the attainment of religious aims.

The previous studies are mostly based on western point of view and focused on individual income, also there are varying metrics of measurement for religiosity, and the degree of influence varies with the ideological basis and context of different religion, as well as the classification of income as self-motivated, so that is why we engage in this research because we want to know the relationship between two variables through Islamic point of view as well as using family income since students generally do not hold full time jobs and out target are students of iium from various nationalities and family background

Therefore in this research we seek to answer these questions. Firstly whether family income affects religiosity of iium students? And if yes, does it bring positive or negative impact?

            So My teammate ahmad tarmizi will continue on research methodology as well as the findings. Thank you


and that's my presentation script for English for Academic Purpose module, during my 3rd year in IIUM 2015 along with my team mates Aziz and Tarmizi. Ms Hana Imelda was very kind to assist us all in making literature review an interesting and doable task. May Allah grant her the highest Jannah.



[1] Data extracted from Pew Research Center in an article titled “The Global Religious Landscape”, published on December 18, 2012.

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